Girl PowHER Fashion Show 2017

We are so grateful to have been a part of the Girl PowHER Fashion Show last month. Jacque Kudner of Remagine Designs came along to showcase and share her amazing handcrafted jewelry to all the fashion show attendees. This event was a huge success and we were so thrilled to have been able to participate and support such a great cause. 

Girl PowHer | Vail | The Scarab | Remagine Designs

This event was presented by Amanda Precourt benefitting YouthPower365's Girl PowHER program. This incredible program aims to "help adolescent girls gain mindful awareness, bolster self-esteem and stay engaged in school through healthy activities, community service and positive mentorship." 

Remagine Designs | Girl PowHER Fashion Show | The Scarab

Along with supporting this amazing cause, attendees had a fabulous night watching the runway show, enjoying food and drink, and shopping from a number of local pop up shops. 

Girl PowHER Fashion Show 2017 | The Scarab

The runway boasted local boutiques such as Garbarini, Gorsuch, Grey Salt and Perch. Many of the items worn on the runway were available for purchase after the runway show. All the vendors from this great event donated a percentage of sales to help Girl PowHER to continue empowering young women. 

Girl PowHER Fashion Show | Janie Viehman Photography

Thanks so much to Amanda Precourt for all her hard work, from starting Girl PowHER in 2010 to growing her organization to such a successful and positive program. The Scarab and Remagine Designs were so pleased to support this wonderful event. Make sure to check out Girl PowHER or come and support the fashion show in 2018!

Girl PowHER | Amanda Precourt | The Scarab| Janie Viehman Photography


© Janie Viehman Photography

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